Feel Good Superfood Pumpkin Seed Choco Butter (SOLD OUT)

Feel Good Superfood Pumpkin Seed Choco Butter (SOLD OUT)

SGD 34.00

I call this “Feel Good Superfood Butter” because this pot of chocolatey goodness is made of 3 amazing superfoods: pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate (both high in magnesium - combats stress, depression, pms, etc) and extra virgin olive oil (rich in omega 3)

The pumpkin seeds are “activated” to remove phytic acid that inhibits our body from absorbing its nutrients (ie. soaked in water overnight) before drying and stonegrinding for 15-20 hours to become “butter” form. My CLASSICO 80% dark chocolate is then slowly stirred in till well combined.

Spread it on your toast/crackers, eat it straight from the jar, mix with water/plant based milk to make into a beverage or do it savoury: add to your noodles/pasta or make a Mexican mole. The possibilities are endless! :)


PS, this is truly one of a kind. Can’t find this anywhere in the world. I created this because I want a nutty chocolatey spread but I don’t take nuts. This is the next best alternative and I truly love it. Love it for the flavor (pumpkin seeds are so underrated), love it for the versatility, love it for the magnesium content that’s crucial to the body’s functions and also helps with my mental health :)


For more BTS on how it’s made, check out our IG highlight “Choco Butter” on @happycioccolato here

Currently left with the final few bottles before I stop production . Preorder ends Sunday 18/12 . Delivery on Thursday 22/12 between 12 to 6pm

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